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Chris Pine And His Beautiful Blue Eyes Want To Netflix And Chill With You

By Kristy Puchko | Film | August 20, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Film | August 20, 2018 |


Scottish filmmaker David Mackenzie has brought us raw passion in the Eva Green/Ewan McGregor romance Perfect Sense, punk love in the mud-splashed romp Tonight You’re Mine, and bracing brawling and dad-centered drama in Starred Up. Then with Hell or High Water, he came across the pond, snatched up American stars like Chris Pine, Ben Foster, and Jeff Bridges, and delivered a drama that may well be a modern masterpiece.

So how to follow-up the critically heralded, four-time Oscar-nominated hit? Something ambitious and daring that combines his passion for drama, his love of his homeland, and the star power of Chris Pine. And you can enjoy it all from the comfort of your couch, thanks to Netflix.

Behold the first trailer for Mackenzie’s Outlaw King:

Here’s the official plot synopsis for Outlaw King:

The untold, true story of Robert The Bruce who transformed from defeated nobleman, to reluctant King, to outlaw hero over the course of an extraordinary year. Forced into battle in order to save his family, his people and his country from the oppressive English occupation of medieval Scotland, Robert seizes the Scottish crown and rallies a ragtag group of men to face off against the wrath of the world’s strongest army led by the ferocious King Edward 1 and his volatile son, the Prince of Wales.

Outlaw King will be the opening night film at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 6. It will hit select theaters and Netflix on November 9.