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Lena Dunham Getty 1.jpg

Are You F**king Kidding Us, Lena Dunham?

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | October 29, 2018 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | October 29, 2018 |

Lena Dunham Getty 1.jpg

Why, Lena Dunham? Just… Why? I could ask that question about so much in her life and career choices but let’s focus on the topic of today. Dunham, according to Variety, has been brought on board to adapt A Hope More Powerful Than the Sea: One Refugee’s Incredible Story of Love, Loss, and Survival by Melissa Fleming. The film will be co-produced by Steven Spielberg and J.J. Abrams, according to the report.

The book, was originally released last January, documents the journey of a young Syrian woman, Doaa Al-Zamel, and her rescue from the Mediterranean sea as one of a handful of survivors of a capsized boat of refugees. This is clearly a big issue right now and one that mainstream American cinema hasn’t tackled. Clearly, there’s a need for this kind of story on the big screen, especially given the empathetic abilities of film.

But Lena f**king Dunham?!

Okay, let me be charitable here. For once in my life, let me be kind to Dunham. Her wheelhouse is writing about privilege. It’s in writing about those upper-middle class white women in New York whose well-meaning words and deeds are often tied up in narcissism and cluelessness. To put it bluntly, she’s most comfortable writing about herself and others like her. This story right here? Let’s just say it’s a stretch. Spielberg and Abrams supporting women writers is a great but on a story like this there are way more interesting, qualified and necessary voices who could do wonders with that gig.

Also remember when Lena Dunham threw Aurora Perrineau under the bus to defend one of her friends from rape? Remember when she decided sisterly solidarity in the face of rape culture meant nothing because one of her pals was involved? Then it was revealed he’d lied about claiming she’d demanded money from him? Yeah, Lena Dunham can go f**k herself.