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This Batman/Harley Quinn Battle Will Probably Be The Most F*cked Up Thing You See Today

By Kristy Puchko | DC Movies | June 11, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | DC Movies | June 11, 2015 |

What if Batman: The Animated Series were rebooted by HBO? The result would probably look like Justice League: Gods and Monsters.

With “Twisted,” Machinima (via io9) has delivered the first chapter of a three-part prequel for the straight-to-DVD animated movie, and it is next-level bonkers. This is not the cute and chipper Harley we knew in the ’90s. It’s not even Bruce Wayne’s Batman. Instead, it’s like those DC characters got put in a blender with box sets of Dexter or True Blood.


Gods and Monsters Chronicles will hit Youtube weekly ahead of Justice League: Gods and Monsters’s July 28th release.

Kristy Puchko has mixed feelings about all this.