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Zayn Malik Keeps Getting Kicked Off Tinder, Regrets ‘Not Enjoying’ One Direction More

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | May 15, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | May 15, 2024 |


Former One Directioner Zayn Malik says he’s tried to use Tinder for dating post-Gigi Hadid (with whom he shares a child), but it hasn’t gone well.

“It’s not been successful for me, I’ll be honest. Everyone accused me of catfishing. They’re like, ‘What are you using Zayn Malik’s pictures for?’ I’ve been kicked off once or twice,” he told Nylon.

Honestly, yeah! If I saw Zayn Malik on Tinder I would most definitely swipe left! Why would Zayn Malik be on Tinder? Isn’t that what Raya is for?

But it’s for the best, and he’s actually “really content and happy with being single for the first time in my life.” After the whirlwind that was his relationship with Hadid, he’s happy to slow down a little.

“It’s probably wise to take your time before you fully invest in another human being as a lifelong partner,” he said. For now, he wants to focus on his daughter, whom he only has custody of “50 percent of the time.”

“I would have her 90 percent if I could. We go see Disney on Ice or we go see the Nickelodeon theme park. Or we go to the beach. That’s how I get out.”

And he wishes he’d been as present for other times in his life, like when he was a pop star.

“The main thing that I always feel bad about when I look back over my life is not enjoying the band enough,” he said on a podcast earlier this month, referring, of course, to One Direction. “I feel like I just took things too seriously, you know? I’m grateful that I’m able to be happier now. I can actually enjoy things and own my own perspective a bit, you know? Like, glass half full versus it being half empty. That’s my choice.”

That sounds…a lot more emotionally intelligent than most of the men on Tinder. Maybe I do want him on Tinder? I take it back, Zayn! I’ll swipe right!