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Chanel Runway Getty.jpg

Who is Marie S’Infiltre, The French YouTuber Who Crashed the Chanel Runway (and Faced Gigi Hadid's Wrath?)

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | October 1, 2019 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | October 1, 2019 |

Chanel Runway Getty.jpg

Paris Fashion Week is underway and the world of fashion has come together in France for one of the biggest events on the industry calendar. As is befitting a French brand, Chanel’s show was one of the hot tickets of the season. Some of the biggest models in the biz walked the runway, and so did one woman who crashed the event until Gigi Hadid and some other models decided to get her out of the way.

Said woman, according to the French media, is Marie Benoliel, also known as the YouTuber Marie S’Ilfiltre. Crashing big events is kind of her thing. She already did it at another catwalk last week.

My French is a little rusty but Wikipedia informs me that she sees her work as a satire of French society. She previously ‘infiltrated’ a Marine Le Pen campaign event. A skit filmed at a Pride event, where she pretended to be part of an anti-gay far-right French movement did not go down well with attendees. Another comedian previously accused her of plagiarism, which she denied. She seems nice.

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Le défilé étam c’était walou à côté

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I must admit that I don’t really see the satire of her crashing Chanel’s show. She wore a Chanel-esque outfit and walked on stage for a bit, so that signals something about French society? I assume this will be good promo for her one-woman show running now at the Comédie des Champs Elysées theater, but I think what most people will remember from this incident is Gigi Hadid sorting sh*t out. She’s got some experience in this area.