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What Kind Of Underpants Do Ladies Wear Under Fancy Dresses? Tina Fey Reveals All On Letterman

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | May 8, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | May 8, 2015 |

Here’s the thing about Tina Fey: she’s a goddamn lady. And sometimes when ladies go on late night talk shows with respected hosts, they wear fancy dresses. Of course the fancy dress is only part of the outfit. You also get your hair done, you put on make up, you bust out your high heels, and you wear underclothes fancy enough to match your fancy dress.

At least that’s what we’ve learned from movies with ladies in fancy dresses. Surely this is not a case where the reality fails miserably to live up to the fantasy, right?

You know what?
last dress ever.png

That’s still fancier than a lot of my underpants. Oh, and the answer is, you don’t go to the bathroom while wearing that.