By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | February 17, 2016 |
By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | February 17, 2016 |
I promise that despite Dustin’s best efforts, Pajiba is not becoming a dedicated Ryan Reynolds fan site. But the simple fact of fame is that sometimes you get into a cycle where you’re getting killed (yeah, Ye. Maybe take a week off), and sometimes you kill it. Ryan Reynolds is killing it. And killing it good.
I haven’t seen Deadpool, I’ve never been particularly fond of Reynolds, but like Cindy I might be starting to get it.
Everyone in Hollywood needs to immediately stop what they’re doing, and begin writing the Reynolds/ Jackman buddy cop movie. Or their buddy crime caper movie. Or their romantic comedy movie. Or, Jesus, just give them 90 minutes more of this interview, and I will pay you to watch it.
Then immediately find the person responsible for X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and have them studied by science for uses of their clearly supernatural charm negating abilities. It’s the only possible explanation.