By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | May 20, 2015 |
By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | May 20, 2015 |
Bill Murray has a history of making amazing TV appearances, and last night he made what might be his finest. But it wasn’t this amazing appearance.
That’s good, but par for the course when it comes to Murray and Letterman. It mostly raises three questions:
1.) Who is that woman that Murray feeds cake to and then kisses?2.) Can I rub my face on her face in the hopes of getting some of that Murray magic?
3.) Has there ever been a friendship more spectacular than Murray and Letterman’s?
(Answers are: my newest nemesis, probably not, and definitely not, respectively.)
But as amazing as that was, I was referring to this.
So did we mention Bill Murray is on the show tonight? You should probably turn on The Last Word.
Posted by The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell on Tuesday, May 19, 2015
WHY ARE YOU STILL HOLDING YOUR HAT, BILL? Did you actually just come in a side door and march onto set? Were you not approached by a single PA? You’ve got a bottle of water. Clearly someone offered you something.
Also I really appreciate your comedic timing with the “Who? Alexrod?” line, but do you think the “wicked unreliable guy” is the former Senior Advisor to the President of the United States or the guy who did this?
At the very least the lesson we should all take away from this is: Bill Murray loves Elizabeth Warren, and you should too.