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Twitter Reacts To Louis C.K.'s Latest Attempt At Comedy

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | December 31, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | December 31, 2018 |


After confessing to repeated sexual misconduct of female co-workers, Louis C.K. has returned to stand-up comedy and found a new niche: Right Wing Asshole. In a bootlegged snippet of his latest comedy set, the admitted abuser mocks the Parkland survivors for their gun-sense advocacy and trans people for existing.

You can listen to this snippet from C.K.’s act below:

While you can still find stans who will defend C.K., Twitter users were overwhelmingly critical of this stand-up’s latest attempt at comedy.

Some on Twitter are marveling that C.K. would pivot to transphobic jokes and Millennial punchlines. They criticize the bit above as lazy, low, and bigoted. And it is. But I suspect it’s also a strategy. C.K. knows exactly the audience he hasn’t lost yet, and he’s pandering directly to them. The crowd that uses “snowflake” as an insult, and insists that his crimes weren’t “that bad.” These are the people who whoop with approval when you deride the survivors of a school shooting and actually cheer the mocking of a marginalized LGBTQA+ group that is under attack by the Trump administration. His audience is those who will claim those of us who are outraged by C.K.’s actions are “too sensitive,” “performatively woke,” or “just didn’t get the joke.” And C.K. will make a cozy living pandering to their fears and bigotry, finding his level, low and putrid.

For a final thought, I’ll leave it to Lizzo.