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Tom Hiddleston ACE Comic Con Getty 1.jpg

What The Hell Did Tom Hiddleston Just Tweet?

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | November 14, 2018 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | November 14, 2018 |

Tom Hiddleston ACE Comic Con Getty 1.jpg

Tom Hiddleston has tweeted twice in 2018: Once to let us know about the planned Loki T.V. series Disney will release on their streaming service (naturally written on the notes app of his phone, like a true celebrity); and once with this video.

Just watch it.



What’s going on, right? Why is this Hiddleston’s second tweet of 2018? What is it promoting? Is it promoting anything at all? Is ‘Betrayal’ the title of a project or just his general mood over something? Is this Hiddleston’s response to the Brexit deal? Well, if I don’t put forward that theory, who will?

The easy thinking here is to say this is somehow tied to the Loki series, but it’s not a good fit for that. For one, Loki wasn’t betrayed, and his hair wasn’t that curly or ‘executive accountant on his Summer holiday’ in style. Besides, Disney aren’t one for abstract advertising. When they release something, they want you to know immediately what is for sale. They’re branding kings and don’t go for this bisexual lighting perfume ad vibe.

He has done work for Gucci and was the face of the brand for the 2017 line. Is this a new fragrance he’s advertising or something tied to that label?

Or maybe finally Hiddleston is releasing his own album in response to Reputation. Let’s hear the tank-top wearer’s side of the Swoki story!

Here’s the thing: Even if this has nothing to do with Loki, the sheer weirdness and mystery of the video drums up enough enthusiasm for the project without Disney or Hiddleston having to do anything. It may just be good timing that gets his name out there and the buzz building while Disney+ (which is still a boring name) get on their feet. As evidenced by Twitter, his fans certainly appreciated his brief return to social media. And it got us to do a post on it. Mission accomplished?