By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | June 8, 2016 |
By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | June 8, 2016 |
I don’t want to bum anyone out, but yesterday was officially Prince Day. At least in Minnesota. On the internet, maybe every day is officially Prince Day. The larger point is that W magazine convinced some celebrities to do a personal performance of some of Prince’s biggest hits. Some celebrities did better than others, and some decided they didn’t have time to fuck around with not being awesome. Let’s start with the not-so-strong showings.
Little Red Corvette
Jon Snow, Cindy Crawford, and Some Guy Name Tye, you’re all fairly pretty, and this is all fairly boring as shit. If I wanted to watch famous people read lyrics directly from a page … I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t want that. Do better.
Diamonds and Pearls
Not a singer my ass, Nate Parker. Had you continued singing, your Ejiofor - Evans triad would have given the other video a serious run for its money. But as you robbed us of that magic, you’re solidly second place. Still very impressive singing for a non-singer.
And finally, the promised face-removing rendition by Supergirl herself, Melissa Benoist.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAT? What is happening? Why are we cutting away to breathy ingenues and President Meyers giving us the birds and the bees talk? Show me more Supergirl rocking the shit out of this song! Release the unedited footage! Does Supergirl sing on the show? Because I might start watching that show. Jesus.
Also, way to be weird-creepy-hot as always, Rami Malek. You just keep locking down your brand.