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Star Whut? Mark Ruffalo Has Stolen Our Attention Tweeting Hulk Fan Art

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | December 16, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | December 16, 2015 |

Yes, yes. Star Wars.. I’m with you. But the galaxy far far away isn’t the only thing worth geeking out over today. Behold the beauty of Mark Ruffalo reveling in his fans.

So you can see the pics he’s sharing, we’re posting the embeds of the original tweets, instead of his quoted retweets. Ruffalo captions can be found below in italics.

cute This is amazing!! Lots of love Okay, this is awesome… Hulk meow LOL Whoa! …I want stretchy pants and that’s all… and maybe a stretchy shirt…and that’s all You wouldn’t want her to make her angry. You wouldn’t like her when she’s angry. Ha!!!

Kristy Puchko spent longer than she’d care to admit looking or shirtless Ruffalo pics from Age of Ultron. For work. Totally for work.