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R. Kelly Reportedly Dropped by Sony Music: About Damn Time

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | January 18, 2019 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | January 18, 2019 |

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Variety, among other publications, have reported that Sony Music have decided to ‘part ways’ or ‘dissolve its working relationship’ with R. Kelly. That means he was probably dropped by the label. This comes after Lifetime’s documentary series Surviving R. Kelly premiered, reminding the public and music industry once more of what it has already known for a very long time. No official announcement has been made.Kelly’s last release with the label was a Christmas album in 2016. He has released songs independently since then and claims he has a new album on the way.

News also broke that Kelly’s former manager, Henry James Mason, had surrendered to authorities in Georgia today after a warrant was issued for his arrest. Mason was accused of making ‘terroristic threats and acts’ against the family of Jocelyn Savage, one of the women allegedly being held against her will within Kelly’s ‘cult’. That original story was reported in Buzzfeed by journalist Jim DeRogatis in July 2017.

R. Kelly is a scumbag. You know it, we know it, the whole damn world knows it. Allegations of abusive and sexually threatening behaviour by him towards young black women can be found throughout his career. His brief illegal marriage to Aaliyah when she was 15 and he was 27 was treated as a curiosity in its day but not the obvious crime and abuse it was. He was charged with child pornography in 2000 but cleared in 2008 after the woman at the centre of the video declined to testify, and that tape became a joke more than anything else. He has gotten away with it for so long because, as DeRogatis told Village Voice in 2013, ‘The saddest fact I’ve learned is nobody matters less to our society than young black women. Nobody.’ It is embarrassing that it’s taken until 2019 for the vaguest of actions to be taken, and even then only because a Lifetime documentary publicly embarrassed people into admitting how complicit they’d been. Arrest this creep now.

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