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Pete Davidson Is Done With Social Media And Says 'The Internet Is An Evil Place'

By Andrew Roberts | Celebrity | July 24, 2018 |

By Andrew Roberts | Celebrity | July 24, 2018 |


Pete Davidson surprised his fans on Monday by deleting his Instagram feed. He confirmed as much in an Instagram story to his fans, noting that everything is fine but nothing good seems to come from being on the internet. It’s separate from the recent exits from social media following the firing of James Gunn on Friday, but still connected in a way thanks to the reactions from fans that seem to cross the line at all times.

According to The Daily Dot, Davidson got some criticism for commenting on this image of his fiancée Ariana Grande and her late grandfather, saying “omg what a cutie.” Fans thought it was in poor taste and thought he was referring to Grande, though it was clear he was addressing her grandfather. His response says it all:

“Are you guys all insane?” Davidson fired back. “I was talking about how cute her grandpa is. What’s wrong with that? You guys will really look for anything to attack people. It’s sad.”

Davidson doesn’t give any indication that this led to his decision on Monday, instead just condemning the internet as a whole and calling it an “evil place” according to People:

“No there’s nothing wrong. No nothing happened. No there’s nothing cryptic about anything. I just don’t wanna be on Instagram anymore. Or on any social media platform. The internet is an evil place and it doesn’t make me feel good. Why should I spend any time on negative energy when my real life is f—ing lit. The fact that I even have to say this proves my point. I love you all and I’m sure I’ll be back at some point. 🙂 your neighborhood goon, Pete”


He makes plenty of fine points and it’s definitely something that many have likely contemplated in the past two years. And the past few days have made it clear that social media may be more trouble than it is worth. You have trolls fucking over people by digging up their shitty tweets from years ago, the president stirring the pot of war with any country he can ALL CAPS at, and just non-stop outrage at all corners.

Ariana Grande actually puts it best with her comments from her own Instagram:

“The energy u put out is exactly what u get back, please create a beautiful life for yourselves”

Go outside! Smell the air! Unless you’re in New York City. You might just want to go sniff some pizza or something far away from the outside.