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Olivia Munn Was ‘Devastated’ by Breast Reconstruction Surgery After Cancer Diagnosis

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | June 5, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Getty Images

Olivia Munn spoke about her recent breast reconstruction surgery on the SHE MD podcast. She had the surgery after having a double mastectomy following a breast cancer diagnosis.

“I didn’t want to have big breasts. I didn’t want them to look like a boob job,” she said. But her surgeon was “very clear, like, ‘It’s going to look like that.’”

“All I care about is that I’m alive, and I’m here for my baby. But putting that to the side, I’m like, one day, people will forget or not know, or maybe I’ll never tell people that I had cancer, but they’ll look at me and go, ‘Oh, what a bad boob job,’” she admitted.

She acknowledged she was more worried about how her breasts would look and what people would say/think of them and her for having the surgery, forgetting it was the result of cancer.

“I was just thinking like, ‘Oh, I’m losing my breasts. I’m going into a world and society where I don’t know how people are going to treat me, how I’m going to react to it,” she said, explaining that she wasn’t even worried about the cancer because “the plan” was to “Get the cancer out aggressively” all along.

The doctor said the results of the surgery were “fantastic,” but she cried the first time she saw her new breasts.

“I was by myself in my bathroom, and I looked at them, and I cried in a way that I don’t think I’ve ever cried in my life. I was devastated. I didn’t recognize myself. I didn’t know how I would ever dress myself again. I thought, ‘Oh, there are so many styles, there are so many things that I’ll never be able to wear.’ It just looked like someone took off my breasts and then took [some tape and paper] and Tupperware, and they’re like, ‘Here.’”

She said she felt “much better” about them after some time but still feels a little self-conscious, and she even grew out her hair in hopes it would hide the scars.

“Maybe one day I’ll get more comfortable with it,” she concluded. “I don’t look the same, but that’s OK. I’m here.”