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Nobody Had A Better Emmys Than Leslie Jones

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | September 19, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | September 19, 2016 |

Saturday Night Live star Leslie Jones has had a year full of highs (the release of Ghostbusters) and lows (the insane backlash against the release of Ghostbusters that included some vile trolls hacking her). But like the inspiration and wonder she is, Jones has persevered and appeared at the Emmys last night to prove it, cracking jokes while looking flawless.

“I just wanted to feel beautiful, y’all,” Jones joked about the stolen nude photos hackers snatched, “Can’t a sister feel beautiful?”

Yes. Yes, she can. But Jones’s moment on the Emmy’s stage wasn’t even the highlight of her evening. Her twitter revealed a wide array of awesome.

Here she is rejoicing when fellow Ghostbuster/SNL star Kate McKinnon won for Outstanding supporting actress in a comedy series.

And Jones did up this epic event like we would, by grabbing plenty of pics with her favorite stars.

Including many Game of Thrones folks.

Leslie Jones, proving the best revenge is to live like a boss.

Kristy Puchko wants to go to there.