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Neil Patrick Harris Hints He's Lost Control Of Halloween To His Willful Daughter

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | September 22, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | September 22, 2016 |

No one does Halloween quite like Neil Patrick Harris and husband David Burtka. Each year, this cute couple takes family costumes to enviable new heights, dressing their adorable twins Gideon and Harper in elaborate theme costumes. But as the kids get older and more independent, trouble brews in a Manhattan brownstone.

Here’s NPH talking Halloween drama and Harper’s new “goth” obsession on Late Night With Seth Meyers:

Let’s take this opportunity to walk down the Memory Lane of Harris-Burtka family costumes:




Neil-Patrick-Harris-Family-Halloween-Costumes (1).jpg


A long time ago in a Halloween far, far away….

A photo posted by Neil Patrick Harris (@nph) on

Kristy Puchko can’t even.