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Let Angela Lansbury Sing The 'Beauty And The Beast' Theme For You Once More

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | September 19, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | September 19, 2016 |

25 years ago, Disney awed audiences with the release of the critically heralded and undeniably gorgeous animated classic Beauty and the Beast. Toasting the film’s legacy, Angela Lansbury, who famously lent her voice to Mrs. Potts, appeared at the anniversary screening to give a special gift to the attendees: the gift of song.

Lansbury sang the Beauty and the Beast theme, which won an Oscar, Golden Globe and Grammy. Bonus: the vid below is the perfect antidote to Mondayitis.

Kristy Puchko crushed hard on the beast, less so on his human form. But she’s not alone in this, right? RIGHT!?