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Amid A Cheating Scandal, Khloé Kardashian Announces The Name Of Her Daughter - And Twitter Is There

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | April 16, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | April 16, 2018 |


When I told you TMZ was spilling tea on Tristan Thompson cheating when Khloé Kardashian was about to pop, I was not lying. The pair welcomed a daughter on April 12 and today? Well, today they released the name. It’s not on the level of Kim’s kid names (North, Saint, and Chicago), but it’s definitely right there with Rob’s daughter Dream, Kourtney’s youngest, Reign, and Kylie’s daughter Stormi. The name?

Twitter went to work “decoding” the name, because of course a Kardashian would name their child something to signal to us plebes that rumors are true.

Then they got the claws out.

Finally, respect for milking every relative she can for dollars?