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Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Welcome Clownstick Donald Trump to the GOP Race

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | June 17, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | June 17, 2015 |

I don’t want to bum anyone out, but we need to talk about August 6th. I’ve been avoiding thinking about it, but Jon Stewart’s last show is seven weeks away. Seven. Seven. I don’t know if I’d ever really be prepared for him leaving, but I know I won’t be prepared in less than two months.

Luckily Anti Viagra The Donald has selflessly stepped up to make the transition more comfortable for all of us. You can’t cry while you’re laughing! And you can’t watch The Human Embodiment of a Wet Fart Donald J. Trump announce his candidacy for Trying To Convince You To Watch The Apprentice Again President of the United States, and not laugh.

And there’s a secret benefit that the Harbinger of Death and Bad Hair Trump’s announcement brought. It reminded me that Colbert is back on September 8th.

It’ll be a long four weeks between Stewart’s departure and Colbert’s return. But if there is a just and merciful God, Ramsay Bolton’s More Repulsive, Less Charming Uncle Trump will announce Rob Ford as his running mate and all will be right with the world.