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Johnny Depp Defends Reckless Spending In Management Dispute

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | April 27, 2017 |

By Jodi Smith | Celebrity | April 27, 2017 |

Johnny Depp, pile of crushed teen swoons and bad teeth, is embroiled in a lawsuit with his former business managers. He claims they owe him $25 million. The management is countersuing Depp, citing his reckless spending and breach of contract as reasons he owes them millions. In his defense Depp stated, “If I want to buy 15,000 cotton balls a day, it’s my thing”.

I mean, yeah? I guess? Some of Depp’s other “things”?

- $3 million for a special cannon to fire Hunter S. Thompson’s ashes into wherever that was aimed.

- 14 homes, including a French chateau and some islands

- Yacht, staff, personal security, etc.

Now the list of lesser-known Depp purchases:

- A Starbucks that serves only the Unicorn Frappe

- 1,000 Taco Bell mini chicken quesadillas

- Fourteen tons of hair grease

- 30,000 cartons of unfiltered cigarettes

- Fifty cases of Kat Von D Tattoo Eyeliner

- Every existing copy of The Lone Ranger

- Every existing copy of Yoga Hosers

- Sixty-five barns filled with used hair extensions from filming the Pirates of the Caribbean series

- Enough Squatty Potties to fill all of his homes and islands

- A pair of screen-used underwear from every cast member of The Golden Girls