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Your Weekly John Oliver Dosage With A Side Of Stephen Colbert

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | November 21, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | November 21, 2016 |

Hey, remember a few weeks ago when we were all pretty sure that by this point the election madness would be over and we’d be back to normal? Hahahahaha! Boy, were we wrong! Oh my god, this hurts so much!

So even though this election went the way that no one expected it to, John Oliver and Stephen Colbert decided to go ahead with their post-election recap show understanding that we probably need it now more than ever. Wow, That Was Weird: A Post-Election Evening with Stephen Colbert and John Oliver was the comedy show/group therapy session/Montclair Film Festival fundraiser of our dreams. Old satire buddies Colbert and Oliver took to the stage for one-night-only on Saturday to discuss topics from the impact that The Daily Show has had on Last Week Tonight:

We built a whole side of our stage as an interview area, because that’s what I thought you did. That’s the DNA I was raised on at The Daily Show. You talk for a bit, and then you to talk to someone else for a bit and then everyone stops talking. We still have this whole interview stage that we barely ever use. Right now, it’s where we have dancing mascots and explosions.

to Colbert’s feelings on “living in a bubble”:

I don’t know what the word means, ‘echo chamber.’ Am I supposed to not value criticism and science? I don’t think it’s an act of of hostility to not accept a worldview that I think is destructive. The fact [that] it’s not attractive to someone, I don’t find is my fault.

to the election, the election and some more of the election:


The danger of ‘Just live your lives, and the sun will come out tomorrow’ is, that’s true for some people, so it’s very easy to forget that it’s very much not for others. That’s the danger. If you’re lucky enough that your life can become routine, it’s easy to not to feel the hurt of those whose routine is going to be shattered. Not everyone is going to be O.K. So it’s incumbent upon all of us to remember that.


I’m all for ‘Give him a chance,’ but don’t give him an inch. Because I believe everything he said, and it’s horrifying. Every president tries to achieve what they promised… . He owes the checks and balances of Washington nothing, because they tried to stop him. And he’s a vindictive person.

And Colbert again on his live election night show:

That was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. The audience was sobbing openly. We had guests and pre-taped pieces for one of three eventualities: Hillary Clinton wins and we know; Hillary Clinton wins and we don’t know, because it’s not called until the show’s over; or Donald Trump wins and we don’t know, because he has such a narrow path to victory. We have two-and-a-half shows worth of material that you’ll probably never see. We had all these made-up commercials, but none of them were appropriate once we went on the air.

I’m suspecting that election night 2016 was the hardest thing a lot of us have done.

There were also the interactions with the audience:

And, of course, there was all the bromance love between the two:

If there is a god, some sort of video will be released of the evening. I’m willing to give someone all of the money I currently have. Which means the Montclair Film Festival could be the recipient of a check totaling $135.82. I’m serious. And if nothing else, I’d happily accept the cartoon version.

Sources: Yahoo, Vanity Fair