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Cher Continues To Deny Allegations She Kidnapped Son, But Admits If She *Did* Do It, She 'Wouldn't Say'

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | October 23, 2023 |

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | October 23, 2023 |

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Last month, a report surfaced claiming Cher hired four men to kidnap her son, Elijah Blue Allman, in November 2022. Apparently, the alleged abduction was Cher’s version of an intervention. In the past, Elijah has struggled with drugs, including heroin.

It was 47-year-old Elijah’s estranged wife, Marieangela King, who included the accusations in divorce documents filed last December. Marieangela alleged that she and her husband were staying in a New York hotel room to work on their marriage, and Elijah was kidnapped on November 30 (the date of their wedding anniversary). Marieangela claimed that she had no clue as to his whereabouts, and she was “concerned”. Earlier this month, Cher denied the allegations to People. However, she confirmed the family drama was related to Elijah’s addiction issues.

Last Friday, 77-year-old Cher once again addressed the claims in an interview with the New York Post. She tells the Post, “I didn’t do it.” There! Case closed! Cher did not kidnap Elijah. We can all move on with our lives and- wait, there’s more? Oh, OK. Here’s the full quote from Cher: “I didn’t do it… and if I did it, I wouldn’t say I did it.” How very O.J. of her. She added:

“You never stop being a mom — you go to the end, you go to the mattresses when you’re trying to save your children. But I didn’t do it. And if I did it, I wouldn’t care to tell you.”

When Cher denied the allegations to People a couple weeks ago, she said:

“I’m not suffering from any problem that millions of people in the United States aren’t,” Cher says of watching her son’s yearslong struggles with substance abuse. “I’m a mother. This is my job — one way or another, to try to help my children. You do anything for your children. Whenever you can help them, you just do it because that’s what being a mother is.”

In those divorce docs from last December, Marieangela conceded that Cher had Elijah’s best interests at heart: “I understand his family’s efforts to make sure he is well, and I want what is best for my husband.” However, she wasn’t thrilled about Cher leaving her in the dark:

“Since August 2022, I have been told that I am not allowed to see or speak to [Allman] who is currently in lockdown at a treatment facility that is undisclosed to me. I am also told [Allman] has no access to his phone.”

Elijah and Cher have had their ups and downs. Back in 2014, Elijah told the Daily Mail that Cher didn’t acknowledge or congratulate him when he got engaged to Marieangela the year before. So, Elijah decided to elope without telling his mother. Cher responded by not inviting them for Christmas that year. But Elijah claimed his father, Gregg Allman, was happy about the marriage. Gregg passed away due to complications from liver cancer in 2017.

The same year he talked about his estrangement from Momma Cher, Elijah opened up about his addiction issues to Entertainment Tonight. He revealed he’d started smoking weed and doing ecstasy when he was 11, because “it’s just what everybody did.” He got into heroin and opiates years later. At the time, Elijah said he’d been sober since 2008. Alas, it did not last. Addiction: it’s a fucking nightmare.