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Carrie Fisher And Harrison Ford Totally Fucked During 'Star Wars'

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | November 16, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Celebrity | November 16, 2016 |

You know that thing where you watch a movie, and the two romantic leads seem so intensely, authentically into each other that you assume the stars are boning between scenes? Yeah. You know. Well, most of the time we’re wrong about that. But some of the times hell yes Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford—Princess Leia and Han Solo—were humping while making Star Wars!

In her upcoming memoir The Princess Diarist, Fisher shares her diary entries from the time, which recount their first “wine sodden” hook-up following George Lucas’s birthday party. A three-month affair followed, which she described to People: “It was so intense. It was Han and Leia during the week, and Carrie and Harrison during the weekend.”

Remembering their onscreen chemistry, it might sound like a match made in fan fiction. But there’s some uncomfortable realities to remember. He was 33, married to Mary Marquardt, and a father of two. She was 19, single and racked with insecurities, recounting, “I looked over at Harrison. A hero’s face — a few strands of hair fell over his noble, slightly furrowed brow. How could you ask such a shining specimen of a man to be satisfied with the likes of me?”

According to Vulture, the teen actress fantasized that the hunky leading man would leave his wife, and maybe propose with a “gold band with diamonds (inscribed) Carrison.” But some of the finer details of their time together was lost in the clouds of “the brutal strength of Harrison’s preferred strain of pot.”

Of course, the main question fans want to know is how was Ford in bed? Well, Fisher responded on Twitter:

And Twitter responded back to this Carrison confirmation with much jubilation:

The winner tho:

Harrison Ford has declined to comment to People. Pajiba has reached out to Carrie’s platonic life partner, Gary Fisher, for comment:


Kristy Puchko wants you to remember Han is probably bad in bed.