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Today in Surprising Things You Didn’t Need to Know: Adele Loves Rocky

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | June 22, 2023 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | June 22, 2023 |


Adele bought Sylvester Stallone’s Beverly Park mansion in 2022 for a cool $58 million, which is a bargain if you include the giant poolside statue of Rocky Balboa, which Stallone did.

Stallone told the Wall Street Journal that he had every intention of taking the statue with him when he moved, probably assuming that British singer Adele, of all people, would have no interest in it. Why would Adele want a life-sized statue of Rocky punching into the air looming over her while she swims? A reasonable thought, but, apparently, an incorrect one.

“That’s a no deal. That’s gonna blow the whole deal,” Adele insisted.

“She wanted the statue,” Stallone explained, just as incredulous as the rest of us.

Turns out Adele is a big Rocky fan. She fessed up to her fandom in a 2021 Vogue interview, which took place in the singer’s home gym. She spoke about spending most of her time there during the pandemic, working out and watching movies. You can see where this is going. The Rocky series was so inspiring that she paid homage by hanging a pair of decorative boxing gloves on the wall. On one of the gloves the word “FUCK” was emblazoned, and on the other, “ORF.”

This was the same interview in which, when talking about wine, she spoke an actual poem into existence: “Whispering Angel turned me into a barking dog. It did not make me whisper.” Also, in referring to the pandemic: “I got some of the worst ingrown hairs I’ve ever had in my life.”

Ditto, Adele. Ditto.