By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | June 8, 2015 |
By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | June 8, 2015 |
We all knew he would have to follow through with it. The joke was just too good. But actually watching John Oliver put his feet/ mouth/ tortured taste buds where his mouth is was a thing of beauty.
Oliver addressed the elephant in the room after turning in another scathing piece on a broken segment of society — this time about bail and bail bondsman and yes, of course it’s worth a watch. Oliver’s biggest strength is quickly emerging as his ability to take subjects most people wouldn’t ever dream about supporting, and convincing us “Yes, I know you don’t want to care about this noxious topic. Here’s why you should anyway.”
Recoil in horror:
John, I’m a big fan of yours, but I’ve got to take you down on a couple of points.
1.) You clearly didn’t drink the coffee. Like very, very clearly. We’ll need you to rectify that next week.
2.) Is that really the best you can do with chugging a beer? I would make a joke about how middle- aged school teachers can chug a beer better than that, but I have literally seen a middle-aged school teacher chug a beer better than that and I don’t want to impugn her abilities. You better up your game, sir. Pajiba Ten 2015 is coming.