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Aaron Paul, Chris Pratt, and The Rock Are Already Doing 2015 Better than We Are

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | January 2, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Celebrity | January 2, 2015 |

Now that you’ve recovered from your New Year’s Eve celebration, let’s find out the really important things: what celebrities did and how they feel about the new year.

We’ll start with everyone’s newest favorite action star Chris Pratt.

Nice enough, but sort of bland, don’t you think? Maybe he just wanted to make sure he didn’t step on his wife’s Twitter game.

Yes, yes, yes. I would expect nothing less from Hollywood’s best couple than hanging out with people who still talk shit to them and eating fried bread. I want to be friends with them so bad.

Also I think I’d like to be friends with The Rock, but maybe only going out friends. Not close, “we should go to the gym together” friends. Because of this:

There are a lot of things going on in this picture that I don’t understand, how Instagram works, why people would want to work out that much (or at all for that matter), if hashtags are established things or if The Rock is just trying to make #BoutToPassTheFuckOut happen. But I do know this: I want to go to dinner with The Rock in the hopes that he would speak exclusively in catchphrases.

And finally, the man that can and has broken Twitter Aaron Paul. Paul again seems like someone I’d want to hang out with, but if we’re being honest, I sometimes get weirded out by his “blessed” tweets. He seems vaguely spiritual in a hippie, “sending out lots of love vibes” kind of way, and I’m a cynical bitch so I don’t think we’d mesh. But maybe I’m just not appreciating his overall attitude.
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That’s what I needed, Aaron. I was wrong to ever doubt you.