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Taipei Reporter Asks The Tough Questions: Cap Ass Or Deadpool Ass?

By Jodi Smith | Case Study In Hotness | January 25, 2016 |

By Jodi Smith | Case Study In Hotness | January 25, 2016 |

This morning I was presented with a wonderful gift from Dustin. He said to me, “On the Jodi Clager VENN diagram of interests, it’s 100% VENN”.
Thumbnail image for vennbutts.jpg
The man is not wrong.

I’ve spoken before of my love for Wade Wilson’s ass. It’s tight and squeezable, with just the right amount of sarcasm.

Of course, we all know the legend that is DAT CAP ASS around here. It is full of freedom and panty-dropping glute goodness.

Given the choice between the two, we all know I would take Deadpool booty, because I have problems. Free to be me and me, as I always say.
Ryan Reynolds, who shares ass attributes with Deadpool, was in Taipei on a press junket for a movie I can’t remember the name of right now. A reporter (that I need to hunt down and destroy, because there can only be one Asslander) took her opportunity to ask the most important question in the Marvel Universe:

That Reynolds has such a generous ass. It brings a tear to my eye. Not that one, grosso.