By LukeAnth | Books | July 17, 2013 |
By LukeAnth | Books | July 17, 2013 |
Lauren Graham/Lorealai Gilmore wrote a book!
I think there is a certain amount of dread whenever a favourite actor or singer decides to try writing a book, this almost instant assumption that it’s not going to end well. I didn’t have this feeling when I heard about Lauren Graham’s debut, in fact I believed out right that she could do it, and I was proven right.
Make no mistake though, Someday, Someday, Maybe is very much chick-lit, but it’s at least well written and well thought out chick-lit, which makes all the difference. The story here concerns an actress living in New York, who is slowly slinking towards the deadline she set for herself to have ‘made it’ by. The main character here, called Franny Banks is very likeable, and it’s very easy to simply picture Graham herself as the lead, whether it is supposed to be drawn from her own life I’m not sure, but if you’re buying this book because of her name, chances are you will picture her while reading too.
The book does have the pre-requisite love interests/love triangle, and yes it is obvious who she will eventually end up with, though Graham wisely has a little fun getting self-referential about these things through the characters to the point where it’s more amusing than cliched.
Overall this is a well-written, well-meaning, easy read from a great actress who has seemingly succeeded in a field where others have failed, and I hope it goes on to be a success for her.
This review is part of the volunteer Cannonball Read V. Read all about it , and find more of LukeAnth’s reviews on the group blog.
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