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Cannonball Read V: Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn

By Caitlin | Books | October 21, 2013 |

By Caitlin | Books | October 21, 2013 |

“Things happen in life. Things don’t go the way you plan. And even when they do, it doesn’t feel the way you thought it would.”

Teenage girls are simultaneously the most powerful and powerless forces in the world. So much is designed to appeal to them, to get them to buy something, wear something, do something, or like something. That part is the power. Their weakness is that it’s hard being a teenage girl. In order to appeal to them, a product claims to need to fix or complete the girl. They are never enough on their own.

It makes it easy to understand Another Little Piece. Teenage girls are offered their greatest desire. It’s always a boy. Make him love me, make him need me. What they lack the foresight to understand is the price. There is always a price, and it is always much too high.

A year after her disappearance, Annaliese Rose Gordon emerged from the woods. She had no hair, was covered in a garbage bag, and had no memory of where she had been. She was returned to her loving parents and safe comfortable life. As more and more memories come back to the girl, one thing becomes clear: she isn’t really Annaliese Rose Gordon.

What does Annaliese Rose Gordon have to do with the first two paragraphs? Why, absolutely everything! Annaliese is just the latest in a string of covetous young ladies who gave up everything to get what she thought she wanted most. The real Annaliese is gone, and the girl occupying her body has to piece everything together, soon. Otherwise, she will end up trapping another teenage girl, and the same thing happens over and over again.

This sounds like another psychological thriller, but it ended up being more paranormal. This was actually a nice surprise. It weaved an original mythology with elements of Faust, and a satisfying amount of horror. It surprised me, both with the story and with how much I ended up enjoying it.

This review is part of the volunteer Cannonball Read V. Read all about it, and for more of Caitlin’s reviews, check out her blog, I’m Going to Read Your Mind Next.

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in this this review will be donated in entirety to the American Cancer Society.)