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Coach, Twitter Call Out NBC Commentator For Repeatedly Claiming Parents of Simone Biles Are Not Her Parents

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | August 8, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | August 8, 2016 |

Those Olympic viewers among us who do not watch the live-stream have been subjected to the typical network coverage, where dramatic storylines are often created where there are none. In last night’s women’s gymnastics qualifying event, for instance, NBC might have us believe that Team USA was all in this for themselves, and not at all supportive of one another in an event where not everyone qualifies.

As these pictures from Simone Biles’ coach, Aimee Boorman, suggests, that’s not the case at all.

It was not the only point of contention for Aimee Boorman from last night’s coverage, either. Those watching the gymnastics last night got a heavy dose of Simone Biles’ coverage, and for good reason: She’s amazing. However, I noticed myself that NBC commentator Al Trautwig repeatedly referred to Biles’ “grandfather and his wife” as the people who raised her, never mentioning the wife’s name nor referring to them as what they are: Simone Biles’ parents. That’s because Ron Biles and his wife, Nellie, adopted Simone, which actually does make them her parents, Trautwig’s ignorance notwithstanding. In a now deleted tweet, Trautwig refused to concede the point:

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Aimee Boorman was like, “No, dude. STFU.”

Unfortunately, there’s not much Boorman can do.

Apparently, Trautwig doesn’t understand the concept of adoption.

But what do you expect from a guy who takes the time to defensively insult people on Twitter who call him out:

In other words, Trautwig is not only an ignorant heel, he’s kind of a dick, too.