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Crotchety Old Man Harrison Ford Gave Your New Crush Oscar Isaac Some Great Advice

By Emily Cutler | Videos | April 9, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | April 9, 2015 |

It’s still early, but I think we might have found our third serious contender for The Pajiba Ten 2015 (#JohnOliverPajibaTen15 and #LipGallagherPajibaTen15). Seriously between his Oscar caliber performances he’s squeezed in roles in two of our favorite franchises. And, you know, he looks like this.
Thumbnail image for Oscar Isaac.jpg

Plus he’s a huge Star Wars fan. Which makes the advice he received from Harrison Ford about how to act when he’s piloting that much better.

“It’s fake. And in space. None of that applies.” [Now shut the fuck up, kid, and let me drink my coffee in peace.*]

* implied