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The Five Greatest Songs From Fraggle Rock

By Joe Starr | Lists | September 2, 2015 |

By Joe Starr | Lists | September 2, 2015 |

There’s no real timely reason for this list other than that it’s never a bad time to listen to some Muppet music. Maybe you’re having a bad day. Maybe you’re having a good day. Whatever the case, enjoy.

I’ve always been of the opinion that Fraggle Rock has the best music of the Henson lineup. Yeah, that’s right: consider yourselves on notice, Rainbow Connection and Magic Dance.

I’m kidding. Mostly. I mean, The Muppet Show has some classics, but the movies lose so many points for that Muppet Babies commercial song… I’m getting sidetracked. Worries for another day.

If Fraggle Rock had the best music, and these are the five best songs from the show, does that make them the five greatest songs ever written? The weight of responsibility bears down on me like a Gorg in pursuit! Here we go.

Shine On Me

There’s something really simple and hopeful about this song, in which it’s discovered that the secret to keeping your home alive is keeping it filled with music. Like, I know there aren’t any monsters teaching spelling lessons, but I get the feeling this was also an educational show.

Let Me Be Your Song

Jim Henson: So like, what if I just strolled into a room with some buddies, got crazy high and just changed everything with music, man?
Head Writer: *looks confused at the rest of writer’s room* Is…is this supposed to be an episode pitch, Jim?
Jim Henson: Whatever feels right, man. Hey you gonna eat those tacos?
Head Writer: Yeah, they’re my lunch.
Jim Henson: Right on right on

The Friendship Song

Hey remember that one time that children’s show Fraggle Rock did an episode where two of the characters were positive they were going to suffocate to death and chose to use the last of their air singing a duet about how much their friends meant to them?

Yeah. How’s your quirky web series about some guys that live in an apartment going? Mine’s pretty good, I guess.

Goodbye (Just a Rainbow in the Sky)

One time the Fraggles all realized that it was not only time to leave home, but that they’d all be taking different paths that would fundamentally alter their lives and relationships, and sang a song about making the best of saying goodbye. COME ON.

Pukka Pukka Pukka Squeetily Boink

WOW this list is a downer so far. Put this song in you immediately.