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Spider-Man Trailer is Everything Right with the Marvel Cinematic Universe

By Alexander Joenks | Marvel Movies | March 28, 2017 |

By Alexander Joenks | Marvel Movies | March 28, 2017 |

Spider-Man: Homecoming gets a trailer three days after Justice League: Dawn of Grayscale and the contrast could not be more stark. And not just because one was rendered without contrast and the other features Tony Stark.

Let’s watch:

Some quick thoughts.

First, rumors were leaked and allegations were hinted that Downey was about done with playing Iron Man. I’m hoping that was more to imply that stand-alone Iron Man movies are being phased out in favor of Stark showing up as the glue that connects all the extended Marvel universe movies. Because while Nick Fury has an intense and serious appeal, there’s something about Downey’s insane uncle in power armor shtick that is just fantastic in the guest star role.

Is it just because I want them to find a way to fit in Tony Stark trying to bang every Marvel character’s hot aunt? Yes, yes it is. And Marisa Tomei can play all of them. I am willing to sign legally binding paperwork affirming my commitment to that suspension of disbelief.

And also because if some teenager demands to know what Tony’s superpower is, he could then correctly answer “ask your aunt.”

Second, this movie looks fun the way Avengers knocked it out of the park and Ant-Man flirted with. And certainly more so than any of the previous Spider-Man movies managed. Yes, including the first one when Mopey Maguire hadn’t hit max angst yet.

Third, Holland was dropping some annoying teenage angst, so it’s not completely off the hook.

Fourth, the Internet tells me that Michael Keaton’s terminator with wings is the Vulture. So, I’m happy we’re not getting the seventeenth Green Goblin, but this franchise just has the worst villains, doesn’t it? At least it isn’t the guy whose superpower is just “animate sandbox”.

Fifth, what it’s really missing is Jason Momoa wandering through a scene just to say “dressed like a spider, I dig it.”