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Natalie Dormer Hints That Margaery Tyrell's 'Game of Thrones' Storyline Has Gone Off-Book

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | November 17, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | November 17, 2015 |

***Spoiler Warning: Discussion of Margaery Tyrell’s status at the end of Season 5 follows; if you’re not caught up, back on out now.***


When last we saw Game of Thrones Natalie Dormer in the fifth season’s seventh episode, Lena Headey’s Cersei had just paid the incarcerated Margaery (jailed by the High Sparrow for her false testimony about Loras’ bedroom activities) a gloating visit. That haughty move was followed by Cersei’s own imprisonment, a karmic fate orchestrated by the fabulous Lady Olenna. Though her grandmother may have done enough to spoil Cersei’s plans for Margaery, aside from George R. R. Martin and Team Benioff/Weiss, no one really knows the outcome of the young Queen’s trial. But, it’s possible Natalie Dormer does.

Appearing on The Late Late Show with James Corden, who gleefully goaded the actress to spill all Season 6’s secrets: “They’re not going to fire you; you’re halfway through shooting it,” Dormer gave the host an interesting tease.

If you’re not able to watch the video from the bowels of your corporate cubicle, Dormer’s pertinent statement is this:

“Cersei is the least of Margaery’s problems. She’s got bigger problems this season.”


The intriguing thing about that assertion is that it means David Benioff and Dan Weiss have most likely gone past what’s been written for Margaery through A Dance with Dragons; they’ve either gotten the information straight from GRRM, or ventured totally off-book.



As a reader, I’m actually quite thrilled by the revelation. *Book Spoiler* In A Dance with Dragons, Margaery is released from jail, but awaiting her trial. Beyond that, like Jon Snow we know nothing. And if troubles worse than Cersei getting her thrown in jail await Queen Tyrell, I can’t wait to see what they are.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)