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Cary Joji Fukunaga Getty 3.jpg

A Shameless Excuse to Objectify the new Bond Director, Cary Joji Fukunaga

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | September 20, 2018 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Film | September 20, 2018 |

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The news that Cary Joji Fukunaga, the Emmy winning director behind Jane Eyre, Beasts of No Nation, and the one good season of True Detective, would officially take over the James Bond series was a delightful surprise to us all. He’s the first American director to take on the job, his work is critically acclaimed, and he wasn’t on anybody’s radars, making the choice one we could really get enthusiastic about. This isn’t a workmanlike studio guy being hired for the job because nobody else wanted it: This feels like a real risk from the Bond team. Filming will start next year with sights set on a February 2020 release date.

But yeah, we know that’s not why you’re here.

As we have thoroughly established in other posts, Mr. Fukunaga is what we in pop culture journalism professionally refer to as a stone cold fox.

Here is a man who is adept at pulling off all manner of hairstyles one would typically advise against.

Destroy all man buns. Except for Cary’s.

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Can he make a Hitchcock style cameo in the next Bond film? Never let this man out of a tux.

Ready for our close-up!


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We have our eyes on you, Cary! Oh, and congratulations on the new gig.

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Header Image Source: Gifs from Giphy. Images from Getty Images.