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My Dadbody, Myself: Thank God We're Finally Celebrating Beauty in All Its Forms

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | May 1, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | May 1, 2015 |

Over the past few days, the revolution has hit. The Dadbody revolution is upon us and it is strong and it is wise and it is meaningful and it is important. And thank god it’s here.

Because finally, at long last, men are being celebrated for daring to look normal.


I mean, it’s really great they all have such successful careers despite or even because of their more typical appearances. That is so great for them.


Just a bunch of rich, successful dudes who don’t care how they look shirtless. Well goddamn done, you heroes.


And while some people may mock them, which is cruel, so many more are celebrating them for having these bodies and not conforming to these unfair standards of appearance. And it hasn’t affected their work availability at all!


Like, Leonardo DiCaprio is being considered among the dadbodies. Still getting banged by supermodels left and right and still totally making hit after hit after critically acclaimed hit, like the industry doesn’t even care about his slight unsightly paunch. How incredible!


I mean, try to imagine what it must be like, to have the whole world care what you look like, to pay this kind of attention to your body, to comment upon every pound gained or lost, every wrinkle, every out of place hair. It sucks that people have to go through that. Really. No one should be made to feel bad about themselves. So thank GOD that while some continue to mock, others are celebrating the glory of the human form—the totally normal human form. And hopefully once this weird trend is over, everyone will be over it and these totally fine bodies won’t be ridiculed anymore.

Man. Thank god everyone does the same for our bodies already and we don’t have to put up with that, right ladies?
