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Betty White Is Getting a Lifetime Achievement Emmy

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | March 18, 2015 |

By Courtney Enlow | Celebrity | March 18, 2015 |

You’re goddamn right she is.

Betty White, our shared dream grandma, at 93 perfect years old, will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Daytime Emmys. I don’t know why it’s the Daytime Emmys and not the Primetime Emmys. I’m not here to ask questions. I’m just here to celebrate.

“Betty White is an American institution,” said Bob Mauro, president of the NATAS, in a statement. “Betty’s career as a female pioneer has followed television from literally the beginning of the medium, winning her first Emmy Award in 1952, to the digital-streaming future, winning again in 2010.

“She is one of the most beloved female performers in the history of television.”

Oh let’s not be cute, Bob. She’s not one of the most beloved FEMALE anythings. She IS the most beloved because she’s made of wonder and glory. Bow down. BOW I SAID.

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(Oh, and this is your usual reminder that she didn’t say that “grow a vagina” thing your sassy aunt shared on Facebook. That was a guy named Sheng Wang. It’s not relevant, I just think it’s important to remind people of that now before she dies someday and it’s goddamn everywhere.)