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The News Feed


James Gunn Offers a Promising Tease For Frank Grillo's DCU Character


Nice: 69 Percent Of New York City Residents Want Eric Adams To Resign


Marjorie Taylor Greene Says that Democrats (Or Jews) Control the Weather


Kim Kardashian Is Right About Lyle and Erik Menendez


Et Tu, Garth Brooks?


It's What's Inside

Netflix's Body-Swap Thriller 'It's What's Inside' Is One of the Best of the Year

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Prime Video's 'House of Spoils' is a Tasty Morsel

Sarah Paulson in Hold Your Breath

Sarah Paulson Can’t Act Her Way Out of ‘Hold Your Breath’


What Is the Current State of AMC's 'The Walking Dead: Universe'?

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'Doctor Odyssey' Review: These Doctors Are Making Us Thirsty