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Texas City 'Dripping Springs' May Change Its Name To 'Pound Town' Seriously?

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | March 22, 2019 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | March 22, 2019 |


Some mornings you wake up and it seems the world is only full of bad news. Some mornings, you get a gift of a story that’s sweet and silly and salacious all at once. That’s the case with news out of Dripping Springs, Texas, a place that might soon be called Pound Town.

Honestly, when I saw that headline in my feed, I assumed it was a joke. Imagine taking a name that’s vaguely sexual if you close your eyes and squint, and booting it in favor of a blatant euphemism for f*cking!

It HAD to be a joke. But no! The link goes to a legit news site based out of Austin that reports some local residents fear Dripping Springs has lost its sense of history and appreciation for its founders, Dr. Joseph M. Pound and his wife Sarah Pound. So they’ve begun a fundraiser in hopes of initiating a ballot to change Dripping Springs to Pound Town. In just two days, they’ve already exceeded their goal of $1,854.

Their GoFundMe reads in part:

Donations will be used to fund a fun campaign that may or may not result in a ballot initiative, and at the very least we’ll donate a good portion of the proceeds to Friends of the Pound House for upkeep and education at the historic homestead.

They even created a Facebook group.


Come on! The Pound Town petitioners cannot be that naive. And they’re probably not.

The KXAN article reveals that the people behind the “Pound Town” proposal are not elderly history buffs with no awareness of what that name suggests. They are 31-year-old Dripping Springs natives, Micah Archer and Daniel McCarthy. And “McCarthy declined to comment on whether the name was meant to be a double entendre.”

However, McCarthy did tell the Statesman he and Archer are “serious about history.” And of their critics, he said, “For a bunch of churchgoing people they seem to have some dirty minds.”

And of course, there’s merch, including “Welcome to Pound Town” t-shirts, and this self-described “cute top.”


Happy Friday, ya’ll.

Header Image Source: Facebook