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Guess What All These Scripts From Kal Penn’s Early Auditions Have In Common

By Victoria McNally | TV | March 14, 2017 |

By Victoria McNally | TV | March 14, 2017 |

Go on, guess!

Got an idea yet?

Are you stumped? It’s tricky, I know.

Did Jimmy Kimmel write this next one?


Oh wait what about—

Oops, nevermind.

And my personal favorite:

Of course, not all of Penn’s early experiences as an actor were Hot Garbage — in particular he highlighted his roles on Steve Harvey, 24, Buffy, and Angel as being very positive experiences. Which is so interesting to me because if I recall correctly, his Angel character was called “Fez-Head’ in the shooting script, which sounds kind of stereotypical.

It’s cool, though, the fez was hiding his psychic demon brain and he didn’t have to do an accent for it… so I guess it all works out?
