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MILCK Performs On Full Frontal, And Everything Feels Right In The World For A Minute

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | January 26, 2017 |

By Emily Cutler | Late Night TV | January 26, 2017 |

AHHHH! At this point, Sam Bee and I might be best friends (we’ve made up after our Bernie/Hillary tiff late last year). On Monday, I posted about a performance at the D.C. Women’s March by MILCK (pronounced milk), and women from all over the country who had been practicing only online. I then proceed to listen to that song roughly 450 times. I’m very much in love, but kept wishing that the very beginning of the performance hadn’t been cut off.

Enter Sam Bee. After clarifying Trump’s message with his inauguration (“fuck you”), and the feeling most of us had after the inauguration (“fuck me”), Bee finished with a recap on the Women’s Marches, and the feelings they elicited. Which were strongly “fuck them.”

Trump has steadily enacted a series of horrendously bad policies, but this is nowhere near finished as long as we promise we won’t keep quiet. Not anymore.