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You're Alright, January Jones. You're Alright

By Grainger Heavensbee | Social Media | November 5, 2015 |

By Grainger Heavensbee | Social Media | November 5, 2015 |

A few years ago, around the time that her Mad Men character, Betty Draper, was most insufferable, and around the time she was playing an Ice Queen in The X-Men, January Jones’ movie and television personality subsumed her private one. Her Q-Scores were sub-basement, and reports that she was homewrecking Bobby Flay’s marriage weren’t helpful.

She took to Instagram, however, and slowly began to transform her personae, eventually turning us around on her. Starring in the Fox comedy, Last Man on Earth has certainly helped, and now that ice queen business has been all but erased.

You know what else helps?

Creepy bathtub photos inspired by Ricky Gervais.

It’s got that creepy dead starlet in a bathtub feel, yes? It gives me the beauty skeeves.

Here’s her less aesthetically pleasing inspiration.

Have a great day

A photo posted by Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) on

You’re alright, January Jones. You’re alright.