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How Are Things Looking In Chiberia?

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | January 31, 2019 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | January 31, 2019 |


I write this post from within the comfort of a blanket fort, which I’m considering leaving in a frantic scramble for gloves because my exposed fingers sting with cold as I type. And that’s in New York City. It only feels like -15 degrees Fahrenheit here. In Chicago, it’s -50 when you factor in windchill. So what does that kind of inconceivable cold look like? The brave residents of Chicago are sharing the experience on Twitter with #Chiberia.

Several users posted photos and video to show how the cold was invading their homes!

To keep the commute rolling, Chicago had to create track fires!

But there was some fun and games too. Like the flurry of folks who braved the cold to see if these extreme temps could turn boiling water into a burst of snow!

But what if you put a wet shirt outside?

How about bubbles?

So how do we endure this cold?

And if you MUST go outside:

(The header image is not Chicago, but a scene from The Day After Tomorrow.)

Header Image Source: Twentieth Century Fox