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What Song Will You Absolutely Never Get Sick Of?

By Alyssa Fikse | Social Media | June 13, 2018 |

By Alyssa Fikse | Social Media | June 13, 2018 |

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What makes a great song? Is it how it makes you feel in the moment? Longevity? Meaningful lyrics or a guitar solo that totally fucking shreds? There’s been a lot of research done about what makes a song appealing, but sometimes there isn’t really a reason why a particular song speaks to you. All you know is that it is a jam now and forever and you are helpless against the beat.

Allie Goertz, an editor at MAD Magazine, posed a very important question on Twitter, asking her followers what popular song they would never get tired of hearing.

I like that she emphasized the importance of popular. Sure, there are plenty of obscure gems that everyone has in their arsenal, but you have to search those out. She’s talking about the songs that at one point or another were inescapable on the radio and you still got excited to hear them. It’s one thing to self-inflict the repeat button with your own personal library. It’s another to still be psyched when you heart that old favorite as you’re wandering down the aisles of the grocery store.

A lot of people responded, and some were the usual suspects — obviously people are going to be excited about Prince forever and ever amen — but it’s fun to see people be completely honest about what truly tickles their eardrums.

So, what’re yours? Live your truth, people. The first ones that came to mind for me were “Barracuda” by Heart, “Behind These Hazel Eyes” by Kelly Clarkson, and honestly anything by ABBA.