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The #TEETHChallenge Trending On Twitter Involves 5 Seconds Of Summer, High Notes, And A Dog

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | August 29, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | August 29, 2019 |


The band 5 Seconds of Summer (5SOS) released a song called “Teeth” and an accompanying video. It features the band doing, uh… things? Weird things with weird people around them.

Anyway, their fans started the #TEETHChallenge where they attempt to hit the high note at the end of the song. They even got most of the band to participate and member Luke Hemmings got his dog, Petunia in on the act. Fairly wholesome for a challenge inspired by a rock band that made its way to viral status, isn’t it?

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