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Gal Gadot Gets In On the #LemonDanceChallenge

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | February 1, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | February 1, 2018 |


Yes, we are late to this. However, Gal Gadot just posted her version of the #LemonDanceChallenge on her Twitter account. NSFW. Basically none of the embeds are safe for work (note: The header image has nothing to do with the #LemonDanceChallenge, but who doesn’t want to see Gal Gadot dancing in the 2004 Miss World competition?)

This prompted me to ask what was this dance challenge and who is Mette Towley?

Rihanna and N.E.R.D. released a video for their song “Lemon” on Nov 1, 2017. The dancing in the video was choreographed by JaQuel Knight of “Single Ladies” fame and performed by dancer Towley.

People immediately began learning the choreography and posting their own videos with #LemonDanceChallenge. Of note is Beyonce’s then-37 weeks pregnant backup dancer absolutely killing the choreography.

Serena Williams dropped her own version on an airport runway.

So many talented people uploaded their own performances of the viral choreography.

🍋 @pharrell @nerd @mettenarrative @badgalriri #LEMONDANCECHALLENGE

A post shared by Justin Timberlake (@justintimberlake) on

Then six days ago, N.E.R.D. performed “Lemon” on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The performance included Twitter users performing the choreography in different parts of the studio before joining N.E.R.D. and Towley onstage.

So that, ladies and gentlemen, is the #LemonDanceChallenge. Have you seen any of these videos? Any favorites I didn’t list?