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Twitters Users Ponder the Strangest Celebrity Encounters They Ever Had

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | January 26, 2022 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | January 26, 2022 |


Recently, writer Lauren Modery posted a tweet prompt that set Twitter aflame:

It’s easy to see why that would do the numbers that it has. Celebrities. Anecdotes. Quirkiness. It’s like the perfect storm.

For my part, I’ve had a few odd interactions with Famous People, but the one that popped into my head on this occasion was the time I was in a PC World about fifteen years ago. It was a Tuesday. Browsing the laptop section with a mate to kill some time between university lectures, we moved aside to let someone pass us in the aisle. Feeling them hovering awkwardly next to me despite not obviously looking at anything on display, I looked up, only to be confronted with the sight of David Gest, take-away coffee in hand and friendly smile on his face. ‘I need some, uh, copy paper?’, he ventured. Confused by the intonation and overall message, I responded with a nod and a smile before moving away and carrying on looking at laptops for a few minutes and then heading off with my friend back towards campus. Later that night, I went to a local pub with some people. We were lucky enough to grab a table and a bench, but before long the place filled up until there were no seats left anywhere. At one point, someone approached the end of our bench and asked if we could please move down a little so that they could sit. We all scooched along, squeezing up next to each other to make room for…David Gest and his cocktail.

Anyway here’s Twitter with their strange celebrity moments:

Oh, and look who it is here again, Mr Dickhead:

And to balance that out, here we have what must surely be the absolute winner from a late king:

Except, maybe, this, which I think we should all choose to unconditionally believe: