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Twitter Users Ponder Underrated Movies With Fantastic Posters

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | June 23, 2023 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | June 23, 2023 |


The art of the movie poster is one of the great unsung (or ‘les-sung-than-it-should-be’) art forms there is. When you combine a good film with a striking, clever, or otherwise effective, movie poster, the synergy of form can be truly mind-blowing. Twitter had this topic on its mind the other day when it pondered films considered to be underrated, which also happened to have posters that went way harder than they had any right to go. Unfortunately, one of the (many, many) ways Twitter seems to be Musk-broken at the moment is that it sometimes doesn’t allow you to hide the tweet that’s being quoted when grabbing an embed code, so there are a few instances of repetition here—but, hey, I guess more chances to drink in the greatness!