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Is There Anything More Fun Than Video Game Trivia?

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | January 26, 2023 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | January 26, 2023 |


When it comes to trivia, there’s a fine line between useless and awesome. Often there is no line at all! With trivia, the more technically useless a fact is, the more awesome it can be. I saw a beautiful Twitter thread the other day that illustrated this perfectly. It concerned one of my main comfort foods in life: Video games. Kicking off when a relatively small Twitter account posted a prompt that asked people to name the most useless piece of video game knowledge they could think of, it soon mushroomed into a massively viral thread, with users contributing by the bucket load the kind of trivia that I personally could devour endless amounts of. Think Homer in doughnut hell. That’s me with video game facts.

OK, that’s enough babble, let’s dive right into the good stuff!